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Have you ever noticed yourself swatting away pesky mosquitos on a summer evening, or heard the buzzing of the tiny insects around your yard? Mosquitos are common in Utah, and can be a nuisance if you’re not aware of the facts.

In this blog, we’ll cover everything you need to know about mosquitos in Utah – what they are, how they live and breed, standing water, when they bite humans, and how homeowners can prevent them. We’ll also explain when it’s time to hire a professional pest control company like My Guy Pest & Lawn in Utah to take care of mosquito issues around your property.

What is a Mosquito?

Mosquitoes are small bugs with long thin legs and wings. They have proboscis (mouthparts) that pierce our skin when biting us for blood meal which is necessary for female mosquitoes to reproduce. Not all mosquitoes bite humans; males only feed on plant nectar. Female mosquitoes typically feed on mammals (animals and humans) but sometimes birds too. Although their bites may be annoying, these insects play an important role in nature by pollinating plants and providing food for other animals such as bats and fish.

Mosquito Lifecycles & Breeding

Mosquito eggs hatch into larvae which live in water for a few days before maturing into adult mosquitoes. The larvae feed on algae and other microorganisms found in the water until they become adults. Adult mosquitoes then mate and lay eggs near standing water sources such as buckets or ponds which provide an ideal environment for the next generation of larva to develop into adults– completing the lifecycle. Mosquitoes typically lay eggs every two weeks during warmer months (May-October).

Standing Water & When They Bite Humans

Mosquitoes require standing water to breed so any standing water around your home should be removed immediately — even something as small as a bucket can serve as breeding ground for hundreds of mosquitos! Mosquitoes are most active between dusk until dawn so if you’re outside during those times make sure to wear insect repellent with DEET or another chemical approved by EPA such as Picaridin or IR3535 —this will help keep them from biting you!     

How Homeowners Can Prevent Them

There are some simple steps homeowners can take to reduce mosquito populations around their homes including cleaning up any standing water sources like pools, birdbaths, or flowerpots; cutting back overgrown vegetation where mosquitos may hide; making sure window screens don’t have any holes; using mosquito repellents containing DEET; installing bat houses near your home; and keeping gutters clean so there is no standing water collecting there which could create ideal breeding conditions for mosquitos.  

When To Hire A Professional Pest Control Company

If none of these steps work or if you have an infestation that is beyond your control—it might be time to call a professional pest control company like My Guy Pest & Lawn in Utah who can help identify where the problem is coming from and offer solutions tailored specifically for your needs! 


Mosquitoes can be quite a nuisance but understanding more about them—what they are, how they live/breed/bite humans—can help us better prepare ourselves against them. Homeowners can take simple steps such as cleaning up any standing water sources like pools, birdbaths, or flowerpots; cutting back overgrown vegetation where mosquitos may hide; making sure window screens don’t have any holes; using mosquito repellents containing DEET; installing bat houses near your home; and keeping gutters clean so there is no standing water collecting there which could create ideal breeding conditions for mosquitos—to reduce mosquito populations around their homes.

However if none of these steps work or if you have an infestation that is beyond your control it might be time to call a professional pest control company like My Guy Pest & Lawn in Utah who can help identify where the problem is coming from and offer solutions tailored specifically for your needs.