Utah County

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(435) 227-6267

Keeping rodents out of your home all year round is a task that requires diligence, especially in Utah. Different types of rodents are prevalent in the area, and they can cause a lot of damage to both your property and your health.

Fortunately, there are several preventive measures you can take—as well as professional pest control treatment options—to keep these pesky critters away from your home. Let’s get into the nitty-gritty details on how to prevent and manage rodent infestations all year round.

What Are Rodents?

First things first: let’s talk about what rodents are and why they’re so difficult to handle on our own. Rodents are small mammals with pointed snouts, long tails, and large front incisors that never stop growing. These animals are quite common in Utah, with species such as house mice, Norway rats, roof rats, pocket gophers, voles, pack rats (aka woodrats), and more roaming around the state.

They prefer certain locations for their nests such as attics or basements because it provides them insulation from outside temperatures and protection from predators.

Preventing Rodents on Your Property

Now that we know what rodents are and where they typically nest in our homes, let’s look at some steps we can take to prevent them from entering our properties in the first place. To start off with prevention efforts on your property:

  • Make sure all windows have tight-fitting screens; check for any signs of chewing or holes near window frames or door frames and repair them immediately
  • Seal cracks or crevices around doors or windows with steel wool or caulking material
  • Store food items indoors in sealed containers; if possible, try to avoid leaving pet food outside overnight
  • Keep outdoor trash cans tightly sealed; try replacing plastic bags with metal containers
  • Remove any debris or clutter from around your home; this includes old furniture items or construction materials that could serve as nesting sites for rodents
  • Regularly inspect your yard for signs of rodent activity; burrows along foundations indicate an infestation has taken hold 

In addition to these general tips for preventing rodent activity on your property, avoid making common mistakes like using poison baits without taking safety precautions like keeping the bait away from pets or children.

You should also make sure not to leave any food scraps lying around outside since this will attract rodents like moths to a flame! Finally—and most importantly—you should consider calling a professional pest control company if do-it-yourself methods fail after several attempts. 


It takes vigilance and dedication to keep rodents away from your home all year round. Though there are plenty of DIY techniques you can use to ward off pests like mice or rats on your property (e.g., sealing entry points), enlisting the help of a professional pest control company like My Guy Pest & Lawn is highly beneficial if you just don’t want to deal with it yourself.

My Guy Pest & Lawn provides safe treatment methods tailored specifically for local conditions which will help you get rid of pesky critters quickly and effectively so you don’t have to worry about them coming back again anytime soon.

With proper prevention techniques plus expert assistance when needed, you can keep rodents far away from your property all year long!